
Things I would tell my 24 year old self

This was a challenge I wondered about. I actually asked myself what was the sense of it?The reason this challenge was so unreal to me was the very reason that you cannot go back to your 24 year old self and change a thing, so why look back. Keep moving on.

However, as I looked closely I realized it was more about introspection. Also, for prospective parents or anyone aspiring to be, getting to know yourself better and improving yourself is integral to you being a good, or better parent. I imagine this speaks to aunts, uncles and godparents as well.

So as I looked at my 24 year old self here are a couple things I saw.

My mind at 24 years’ old

Relationship (Intimate)

At 24 years of age I was concentrating on the relationship I was in for about 8 years. At this point i was 3 years into this relationship. It was tainted with youth, lack of growth and a lot of mistakes from both of us. I guess I was at that tenacious stage where I thought; ‘Hey, lets work through anything, whatever he says goes, this is a relationship forever so lets just cope and move on’.


I was about four years into my studies, lost as ever. This was me handling my first relationship and a higher level of studying outside of secondary school. This was a rough time for me. I had little coping mechanisms or examples to aide me.

At school I did grasp some themes and concepts early, however, I didn’t put enough concentration into my studies. I was looking at everyone around me instead of focusing on what I wanted, needed to accomplish and just being career oriented. So to reiterate, looking at everyone and everything around me and focusing on my relationship so that at the end, I could be married to this person.

Family & Friends

As always there was a lot of dedication to friends and family. What I found for my 24 year old self is that I depended on people too much. I know that this is a normal way of life for some people. Close knit and sharing everything. However, I think different now.

Being this way, I made sure that my friends and family were taken care of. What I could do I would do. What I shouldn’t do I did. What I wasn’t asked to do I did.


What career?

What I think I know now and the advice I would give to my younger self , as of January 20th, 2019.

Relationship (Intimate)

Take your time. Literally…..take…..your…..time.

There will always be men and relationships to encounter. What is more important is that you;

  1. Know yourself (Be in a relationship with you first, treat yourself the way you want to be treated in any relationship) 
  2. Love yourself (This is more than knowing yourself, this is loving unconditionally, agape love. This is seeing yourself through mistakes and let downs, triumphs and the things you conquer. Being present and loving you….for all of them)
  3. Demand all those things that you give yourself in 1 and 2 from your mate. Don’t accept nothing less. 
  4. Last but not least. Make sure you feel safe, protected and respected. I think that is a recipe for a lovely relationship. Also, that he listens and can have constructive conversations. Give the same as well.


Again, Take your time.

Study in an area that you love and are passionate about. Don’t let family or friends force you into doing something you are not comfortable with. This advice goes to any area of your life.

However, sometimes youth and life is a growing spurt. So you may be placed or pushed in an area you didn’t realize that you liked. I know that happens. But you must be careful. Cause at the end you could find you were living your life beating to the drum of other people and not your own.

Finally, once you find your love and passion, seek to know as much about it as possible. Not just school, but blogs, groups that are like minded, articles, research etc. Be innovative and look for ways to improve a particular area. Write research papers. BE ALL IN. Don’t half ass it.

Family and Friends

Save some for you. Here is what I mean by that;

Yes you have family and friends that you love and you want to show your dedication and your loyalty to them. However, what you will grow to realize, is that everyone isn’t deserving of you. Some people are just out to get what they can from you and not to be at all a friend or family member to you. To show the amount of care, dedication and loyalty you are showing to them.

I won’t tell you to be mean or not nice. But be discerning. Be careful with you and how much you give to other people. Yes, maintain that giving character but be careful.


This comes easily when you have found what you love and are passionate about. Even though you may not have found it. Be smart. Be vigilant. Always think future minded. What can you gain and accomplish now?

I find these things help so that you are not lost and still trying to dig your way through life. Not saying it won’t happen cause things change and you need to adjust.  But be focused on your end result.


Don’t be so hard on yourself period. Keep constantly loving yourself and encouraging yourself. Sometimes you are all you have, or all that matters. Someone can be encouraging but you don’t feel that until you are ready to encourage yourself.

The things that have occurred in your life have made you who you are.

I love myself. I am stronger and I find that although there are some things I wish I could change, some people that I wish I had never met or given them any of my time, these are some of the things I wouldn’t change.

What I realize is that I wouldn’t be the person that I am without them. So for that I am grateful.

Thank you for reading and relating to my blog, if you have.

Please if you have any comments, feel free to share. Thanks



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